PROJECTS 1997 Narrasketuck One Design Assoc. On-Line; Website promoting Narrasketuck One Design Assoc. Developed and maintained entire site. Graphics, site layout, design, and construction. Became experienced with Front Page 98. Updating site as nesseccary for current events (e.g. races, results, etc.) https://members.tripod.com/tuck1design
Narrasketuck Yacht Club On-Line; Website promoting Narrasketuck Yacht Club Developed and maintained entire site. Graphics, site layout, design, and construction using Front Page 98. Updating site as nesseccary for current events (e.g. races, parties, etc.) https://members.tripod.com/NarrasketuckYC
1996 Guided Tour of Robert Moses M.S.; Tour of Robert Moses Middle School Headed 3 person team in layout, design, programming, scanning, and photagraphy. Used Power Point, Windows programming, Windows 95, scanning systems, and image processing.
1995 North Babylon On-Line; Website promoting North Babylon School District Developed and maintained entire site a part of 3 person team. Graphics, site layout and design using HTML, CGI, and Java. http://www.nbsd.k12.ny.us/
"AcnePhobia"; 3-D computer generated movie. Designed using Microsoft 3D Movie Maker, this movie was created as a visual aid for a school project. In [date], this movie was presented at the Ninth Annual Technology Share Fair, taking a 2nd Place ribbon. Selected for demonstration at the New York State Computers and Technology in Education conference, Concord, NY. |
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